Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:


Synth Bass
Pad 2 (warm]

Pad 1
Pad 6 (metallic]

Pad 2
Lead 1 (square]

Electric Piano 2

Acoustic Bass

Synth Drums
Ever-y-thing would turn out fine If we'd reach the bor-der-line. Ever-y-thing would be just fine If we'd... if we'd kill our-selves. Me and my girl, We got a plan: We go to Cape Can-av-er-al And piss off if we can. We're on the hate-trip, Kid-nap-ping a space-ship, Cause we are the kind of peo-ple Who ain't got no oth-er choice. Me and my girl, We got a plan: We'll wipe out ev-ery stu-pid lit-tle bo-dy If we can. I told her on the phone: We're meant to be left a-lone, We're the ones who god should bet-ter Leave a-lone to play to-get-her. Ever-y-thing would turn out fine If we'd reach the bor-der-line. Ever-y-thing would be just fine If we'd... If we'd kill our-selves. Me and my girl, We got a gun, And I swear we're gon-na use it When the show-down has be-gun. Oh sweet-heart, don't you see? You had the time to be-lieve me. Now you'd bet-ter hur-ry up To save us from our-selves. Ever-y-thing would turn out fine If we'd reach the bor-der-line. Ever-y-thing would be just fine If we'd... If we'd kill our-selves. This goes on un-til I die, Things will nev-er change. This won't stop un-til I die, Life al-ways goes on like this This goes on un-til I die, Things will nev-er change. This won't stop un-til I die, Life al-ways goes on like this This goes on un-til I die, Things will nev-er change. This won't stop un-til I die, Life al-ways goes on like this This goes on un-til I die, Things will nev-er change. This won't stop un-til I die, Life al-ways goes on like this Ever-y-thing would turn out fine If we'd reach the bor-der-line. Ever-y-thing would be just fine If we'd... If we'd kill our-selves.